If we get lots of interest, there are all sorts of things we could add.
One idea would be a clickable map of the world which showed where all
our namesakes are, although I've a feeling that could get a little crowded!
Name |
Location |
Email |
Home page |
Adam |
Wisconsin |
birkada4@trilink.k12.wi.us |
Adam & Carly |
Bradford |
adam_birkett@tiscali.co.uk |
Adrian & Johanna |
Salt Lake City, UT |
adrian@birkett.com, johanna@birkett.com |
Alan |
Fleetwood, Lancashire |
alan.b.birkett@btinternet.com |
Alan Harry & Susan |
Talsarn Lampeter, Wales |
Windleviewpugs@btinternet.com |
Alan, Deborah, Ben & Kieron |
Wakefield |
a.birkett2@ntlworld.com |
Alan & Patricia |
Liverpool |
alpach1188@aol.com |
Albert, Kathleen, Joseph & Adam |
Liberty, New York |
birkett@warwick.net |
Alex Andrew Birkett |
Oslo |
alex@birkett.co.uk |
Alex |
Mordialloc, Victoria, Australia (currently in London) |
Alex.Birkett@workstream.co.uk |
Alexander |
London |
alexander.birkett@uclh.nhs.uk |
Alexandre |
Brazil |
abirkett@litoral.com.br |
Alice |
California |
alice02@pioneer.blackberry.com |
Andrew |
blueroo442@talk21.com |
Andrew |
Colne, Lancashire |
andrew.birkett@virgin.net |
Andrew |
Cornwall |
andrew.birkett@talk21.com |
Andrew |
Leeds |
andrewbirkett@ukonline.co.uk |
Andy |
Swansea ex Plymouth |
anbirkett@hotmail.com |
Andrew & Ayesha |
Popayan, Colombia (& Grimsby) |
user@andrewinpopayan.karoo.co.uk |
Andrew James |
Leicester |
ajgeni@yahoo.co.uk |
Andy |
Aberdeen |
andy@hodsonj.demon.co.uk |
Andy |
England |
andy@dodgy-geezers.freeserve.co.uk |
Andy |
South Yorkshire |
andrew.birkett1@ntlworld.com |
Andy |
Hampshire |
andrewbirkett@hotmail.com |
Andy |
Plymouth, Devon |
andycarrie@parsonage-farm.freeserve.co.uk |
Anna |
Glasgow |
annabirkett65@hotmail.com |
Anne Lilly (née Birkett) |
Australia |
alilly@fast.net.au |
Anne Louise |
Midlands, England |
louise-twohoots@cwcom.net |
Anne Patricia |
Gayndah, Queensland, Australia |
Anthony, Linda, Nick, Christian |
Surrey |
Nbirkett1@aol.com |
Anthony J |
Parkes, New South Wales, Australia |
tinyandnelli@netxp.com.au |
Arleigh |
99mmb@excite.com |
Audrey Margaret |
Tywardreath, Cornwall; now Belgium |
audreymbirkett@gmail.com |
Beryl & Russell |
Cumbria, England |
randbbirkett@btinternet.com |
Beth Spurlock née Birkett |
St Augustine, Florida |
hspurlock@cfl.rr.com |
Birkett & Co. Accountants |
Broadstone, Dorset, England |
mail@birkettaccountants.com |
Bonnie Gilbert née Birkett |
Calgary, Alberta, Canada |
Brad |
Ballarat, Victoria, Australia |
bnsbirkett@yahoo.com.au |
Brenda (Leah) Brovedani née Birkett |
Halifax, Nova Scotia |
Brent Birkett |
Chicagoland Area, Illinois |
brent@birkett.club |
Brian |
Washington, DC (studying) |
brian@birkett.com |
Catherine Britton (née Birkett) |
Barnstable, Devon |
catherine.britton@yahoo.co.uk |
Catherine Beaumont (née Birkett) |
Cambridge |
Cathystephen@btinternet.com |
Charles (Chas) |
Guelph, Ontario, Canada |
cbirkett@home.com |
Charles Leslie |
Cumbria, England |
clbirkett@ntlworld.com |
Chris, Jan, Jim & May |
St Cibard, France |
chrisbirkett@free.fr, jan@resolutiongames.com, jim@resolutiongames.com, maybirkett@email.com |
Chris & Tracy |
Perth, Western Australia |
cmouser@optusnet.com.au |
Christie |
Canberra, Australia |
Christine O'Neill (née Birkett) |
Winlaw, B.C., Canada, www.karibupark.com |
chrisoneill360@gmail.com |
Christopher (Sam) |
Herne Bay |
Christopher |
birkett86@hotmail.co.uk |
Christopher & Janet |
Bradford, West Yorkshire |
Courtnie, Richard & Clayton |
Saint Augustine, Florida |
courtniemb@yahoo.com, rbirkett5960@att.net |
Craig |
Delaware (born Merseyside) |
CTBIRKETT@chancellorsville.navy.mil |
Dan |
Wixom, Michigan (ex Leeds, England) |
dan@charlimation.com |
Daniel |
Loughborough, Leicestershire (ex Liversedge, West Yorkshire) |
me@danielbirkett.co.uk |
Daniel |
South Shields, England |
db49@btinternet.com |
Daniel (Danny) |
Gateshead, England |
db.51@hotmail.co.uk |
Darlene |
Montreal, Canada |
dtgodbout@sympatico.ca |
Darrel |
Newcastle upon Tyne |
dlbirkett@btinternet.com |
Darren |
Calgary, Alberta, Canada |
birkettd@telusplanet.net |
Darren James |
Manchester |
darren@birkett.com |
Daryl Anne |
Portaferry, County Down, NI |
d.birkett@qub.ac.uk |
Dave |
Woodridge, Illinois |
dabirk@hotmail.com, dabirkett@sbcglobal.net |
Dave & Christine |
Horsham, Victoria, Australia (ex Wallasey, Cheshire) |
runfastwin1@bigpond.com, dave.birkett@gwmwater.org.au, dbirkett@crisisleaders.com |
David & Virginia |
London |
dbirkett@onlinegb.com |
David |
East Yorkshire |
dave@themadhatters.freeserve.co.uk |
David & Kathryn, Thomas Paul, Alex David |
Chelmsford |
david@treeline4.freeserve.co.uk |
David Allen |
London |
Davethewatch@btinternet.com |
David William |
London |
dbirkett60@yahoo.co.uk, david@davidbirkett.coM |
Debbi Flack (née Birkett) |
Chelmsford |
barney.blue@live.co.uk |
Derry Richard |
Barcelona ex Birmingham UK |
derry@d2tstudio.com |
Donald Allan |
Bracknell, Berkshire (born Kingston upon Hull) |
don.birkett@ntlworld.com |
Donald |
Wellsburg, West Virginia |
kndbirkett@comcast.net |
Donna |
Oshawa, Ontario, Canada |
dbirkett@interlinks.net |
Donna Garbutt (née Birkett) |
Australia |
garbutt9@hotmail.com.au |
Donna Watson (née Birkett) |
Sympatico, Canada |
bdadwatson@sk.sympatico.ca |
Doug, Anna Maria & Laura |
Broken Arrow, Oklahoma |
doug.birkett@williams.com, ambirkett@hotmail.com, lmbirkett@hotmail.com |
Douglas |
Johannesburg, South Africa |
amanzzi@hotmail.com |
Douglas |
Stockport (born Glasgow) |
kettle750@hotmail.com |
Drew, Pat, Brendan, Sierra & Robin |
Kaslo, British Columbia |
birkett@netidea.com |
Ebony |
Victoria, Australia |
lo_cont@hotmail.com |
Edward |
Newtownabbey, Northern Ireland |
Edward Roy |
Burlington, Canada |
ebirkett@cogeco.ca |
Edward |
Guayaquil, Ecuador |
ebirket@aduana.gov.ec |
Elaine Joan Warner née Birkett |
Edmonton, Canada |
Elyshia |
Sydney, Australia |
elyshialb@hotmail.com |
Emily Hughes (née Birkett) |
Canberra, Australia |
Emma |
Winterbourne (near Bristol) |
Noddy_birkett@hotmail.com |
Eric & Sandra |
Manchester |
rederic@cwcom.net |
Eric Stephen |
Manchester |
steveeb@btinternet.com |
Erick |
Virginia, USA |
elbkeswick@earthlink.net |
Ernie |
Lancashire |
ErnieBirkett@aol.com |
Evand Jr |
Cleveland, Ohio, USA |
ebirkett@aol.com |
Frederick |
Medford, Massachusetts |
fbirkett@banneker.org |
Gavin |
Clitheroe, Lancashire |
beetlemania@gavin53.fsnset.co.uk |
Gill, Mark & Mark |
Nuneaton |
magnificent_mr_mark@msn.com |
Glynn Raymond & Christina |
Burnley |
Gordon Alexander |
London (via Dunfermline & Edinburgh) |
gabirket@bechtel.com |
Graeme Birkett |
Maryboroughm, Victoria, Australia |
birkettbuilt@dodo.com.au |
Graham, Ria, Moniek, Saskia & Annerieke |
Heerlen, The Netherlands |
m.birkett-jeeninga@versatel.nl |
Graham & Carolyn [Kay], Emily, Tabitha & Arabella |
Carmarthenshire, Wales |
kaybirkett@aol.com, emilybirkett@hotmail.co.uk |
Gwen Adkins née Birkett |
Blue Mountains, NSW, Australia (born Manly, NSW) |
gwen@churcharmy.com.au |
Hadley |
Ohio |
MissGirlie@aol.com |
Hayley |
Birmingham |
Hayley.Birkett@schwab-europe.com |
Hazel (née Birkett), Kevin & Nicole Hondow (and Jett) |
Karratha, Western Australia (ex Wallesey) |
hondowkh@kisser.net.au |
Howard & Ros |
Marsworth, UK |
howard@amaryllis.cix.co.uk |
Hugh William, Daniel Alfred & William James Birkett Gibson |
Willoughby, Ohio, USA |
hwbg@comcast.net |
Ian |
Gateshead |
ian_birkett@yahoo.com |
Ian Lindsay (descended from Kathleen, Harriet and Hannah, all of Sutton on Trent, Notts) |
Newark, Nottinghamshire |
patricia.lindsay7@ntlworld.com |
Jacob |
Phoenix, Arizona, USA, https://spikespaz.com/ |
jacob@spikespaz.com |
Jake |
Bridport, Dorset |
mail@jakesweb.com |
James |
Burton on Trent, England |
james@birkett.com |
James |
Chesham, Buckinghamshire, England |
birkett_james@hotmail.com |
James (Chris) |
Melbourne, Australia |
James Edward |
Brighton, E Sussex |
birkett@easy.com |
James |
Texas |
jbirkett1@yahoo.com |
James J |
Sheffield, England ex Montreal, Canada |
jamesbirkett@blueyonder.co.uk |
Anthony |
Immingham |
birkett@a-birkett.co.uk |
Janet E (Jana) |
Vancouver, BC, Canada |
janab@lightspeed.ca |
Jason Birkett |
Wigan |
jbirkett@blueyonder.co.uk |
Jean Ann |
UK |
jann.birkett@tesco.net |
Jeff, Paige & Tyler |
North Carolina (ex Yorkshire) |
PBirkett@charter.net |
Jeremiah Birkett |
www.birkettpromotions.com |
birkettpromotion@aol.com |
Joel |
Bloomville1@aol.com |
John |
Sydney, Australia |
john.au@birkett.com |
John |
Western Australia |
jbirkett@space.net.au |
John & Karen; Michelle & Joe |
Stockport, England |
Johnunder@btinternet.com |
John |
England |
J.Birkett@btinternet.com |
John & Annette |
St Andrew's, Fife |
annetteandjohn@talktalk.net |
John Arnold & Fran |
Ulverston, Cumbria |
john.birkett@vodafoneemail.co.uk |
John, Toby, Emma & Spencer |
tjbirk4@earthlink.net |
John |
Little Eaton, Derbyshire |
john.birkett@btconnect.com |
John Joseph |
North Wales (born Maryport Cumbria) |
John Mason, Tracyanne & Lucy Jane |
Aberfeldy, Scotland (ex Lambley, Cumbria) |
john.birkett@sky.com |
John |
Eyemouth, Berwickshire |
j.birkett@tiscali.co.uk |
Jon |
Melbourne, Australia |
jonbirkett54@optusnet.com.au |
Jon Riley |
Medfield, Massachusetts |
jonrb3@yahoo.com |
Jonathan |
Shelburne, VT |
birkett@togther.net |
Joseph Christopher |
Arivaca, Arizona, USA |
josephbirkett@direcway.com |
Joyce |
Daventry, England |
joyce@birkett.com |
Judy Lomax (née Birkett) |
Chepstow, South Wales |
judy@lomaxj29.freeserve.co.uk |
Justine |
Sydney, Australia ex Portsmouth, UK |
Karen Ann |
Beloit, Wisconsin |
spankysfam@aol.com |
Karen Ann |
Sarasota, Florida |
jacekaren@msn.com |
Karl Edmund |
Peterborough, Cambridgeshire |
karl.birkett@btinternet.com |
Katie (Kathryn) Tarrant née Birkett |
Bradford, West Yorkshire |
katietarrant@ntlworld.com |
Keith, Angela & Joel |
Bromsgrove |
keefb1@aol.com |
Keith |
Grimsby |
keithbirkett@live.co.uk |
Ken & Leslie |
Riverside, California |
kandl83@earthlink.net |
Ken & Pauline |
Brantford, Ontario |
birketts@sympatico.ca |
Kerrie |
Coventry, England |
Neil@limbrick.fsnet.co.uk |
Kevin & Kath |
Luton, England |
kathb_uk@yahoo.com |
Kevin, Carolyn, Linley, Anthony & Timothy |
Armidale, New South Wales |
kevinbirkett@hotmail.com.au |
Laura |
York, England |
LauraB@tonybuttery.freeserve.co.uk |
Laura |
County Durham |
eddy.robinson@btinternet.com |
Laura |
Michigan |
labpoor@gmail.com |
Lawrence (Larry) |
Palm Springs, California |
LBirkett@aol.com |
Laurence |
lozzo@lozzo.org.uk |
Les |
Grimsby |
Les@LBirkett.co.uk |
Lewis |
Southampton |
lbirkett@tiscali.co.uk |
Liam |
Lancaster |
superman.with.style@live.co.uk |
Liz |
lizzb@earthlink.net |
Lorraine Lencina née Sally Lorraine Birkett |
Central Virginia, ex New York |
lencina3@aol.com |
Louise |
Aberdeen exNewcastle-upon-Tyne |
lsfzz78@aol.com |
Lynn Hallahan (née Birkett) |
Manchester |
LynnHallahan@aol.com |
Lynn Taylor (née Birkett) |
Shropshire (born South Shields) |
Lynnbirkett@hotmail.com |
Lynn |
Hapton nr Burnley |
Lynn.Birkett@sanderson.com |
Maggie, Dave, Lee, & Dale |
Haydock, Lancashire |
MarBrktt@aol.com, mags@birkett2757.fsnet.co.uk |
Maggie |
Cardiff |
margaret.birkett@wda.co.uk |
Malcolm, Sandra, Francesca, Joseph & Amelia |
Northampton, England |
malcolm@birkett.com, sandra@birkett.com |
Malcolm, Mandy, Emily & Harriet |
Ribble Valley, Lancashire |
malcolm@mbp2.co.uk |
Malcolm |
Hull |
birkett2@birkett2.karoo.co.uk |
Marie, George & Lianne |
Southampton |
mariebirkett@yahoo.co.uk |
Marjorie Cunningham (née Birkett) |
New Zealand |
cunnham@ihug.co.nz |
Mark David |
Seattle, Washington |
mbirkett@fossenv.com |
Mark |
England |
Mbirkett@pnctele.com |
Mark Howard & Isabelle Marie |
Chicago, Illinois |
mark.birkett@ge.com |
Mark Jason |
Wiltshire (born Bedford) |
markjbirkett@hotmail.com |
Mark |
Wellingborough, Northants |
Mark.Birkett@ebsdistribution.com |
Mark |
Sheffield (ex Newcastle upon Tyne). |
pmbirkett@blueyonder.co.uk |
Mark & Nicola |
Auckland, New Zealand (ex Whalley, Lancs) |
Nicola-mark@slingshot.co.nz |
Mark Edward |
Lincoln |
markytoohotty@hotmail.com |
Matt |
Royal Oak, Michigan |
mattbirkett@comcast.net |
Matthew |
Odell, Illinois |
monkey@historyconstruction.com |
Melissa |
Geneva, New York |
Mab79@aol.com |
Michael |
Dubuque, Iowa |
charcs@mchsi.com |
Michelle |
Lemont, Illinois |
birkett@uiuc.edu |
Michelle Chauntler née Birkett |
Gayndah, Queensland, Australia |
mtc2004@bigpond.com |
Mike |
Manchester (student) |
webmaster@headlessbabies.co.uk |
Neil & Liz |
Dugald Mb., Canada |
neil@birkett-sons.com |
Neil |
Bigrigg, Cumbria |
birkett_neil@btinternet.com |
Nick, Michelle & Amy |
Blackburn, England |
franksbirkett@aol.com |
Nicole, Raymond Jr, Julie, Gwyneth, Raymond, Maura, Kevin |
New Era, Michigan |
Nicole: birkett@hotmail.com; everybody else: julie@hotmail.com or Julie@oceana.net |
Nicole |
Sydney, Australia |
fluffyblueducks@hotmail.com |
Nicole |
Leeds |
birkettnicole@yahoo.co.uk |
Nigel, Jennie & Leo |
Wigan, UK |
nbirkett@tiscali.co.uk |
Norma Bennett (née Birkett) |
Lake District, England |
norma.bennett@bigpond.com |
Norman |
Lake Ozark, MO |
jrrj2002@msn.com |
Oliver-John |
Soignies, Belgium |
fa288795@skynet.be |
Pamela Longridge née Birkett |
West Yorkshire |
pamela.longridge@btinternet.com |
Patricia Legg |
Victoria, Australia |
leggp@connexus.net.au |
Paul Andrew |
paul.birkett@appleonline.net |
Paul |
Wakefield, West Yorkshire |
paul.birkett@POBoxes.com |
Paul |
Odell, Illinois |
paul@historyconstruction.com |
Paul, Ami, Sophie, Kieran |
Dorset, ex Otley, W Yorkshire |
paul.birkett1@tiscali.co.uk |
Paul |
Bolton, Lancashire |
paul-birkett@tiscali.co.uk |
Pearl Sonia |
Sydney, Australia ex Portsmouth, UK |
Peter, Gaby, Sebastian, Lilian |
München, Germany |
peter@birkett.de |
Peter |
Perth, Western Australia |
pbirkett@crystal.com.au |
Peter John |
Hove, East Sussex |
birkett144@btinternet.com |
Peter |
South Africa |
pb@bircraft.co.za |
Peter |
Cornwall |
07PBirkett@penryn-college.cornwall.sch.uk |
Peter, Angela, Danelle, Karl, Kelly |
Leeds |
kellybir@hotmail.com |
Rachael |
Canberra, Australia |
birko_r@hotmail.com |
Rachel, Ron, Barb, Rhonda, Matthew-Timmins |
Canada |
birkettrachel@hotmail.com |
Rachel |
Derby |
biscuit99999@hotmail.com |
Randall R |
Waunakee, WI |
rbirkett1993@yahoo.com |
Richard & Petra |
Cambridge, England |
richard@birkett.com |
Richard James |
Chapala, Jalisco, Mexico (formerly Ann Arbor, Michigan) |
rbirkett@freedomactivist.org, rich@lakechapalaguide.com |
Richard & Theresa (teesab) |
Los Angeles, California |
birkett@earthlink.net |
Richard |
Boston |
Dhbirkett@cs.com |
Richard |
U A E |
rbirkett@emirates.net.ae |
Richard |
Morecambe |
rbirkett@hotmail.com |
Richard Bruce |
Chicago, Illinois |
ezcape68@gmail.com |
Rick & Kathy |
San Francisco |
rick@birkett.com, kathy@birkett.com |
Rick John |
Gayndah, Queensland, Australia |
Rob, Lorraine, Colin, Andy & Steve |
colin.birkett@unn.ac.uk |
Robert & Nicole |
Winnipeg Mb., Canada |
rob@birkett-sons.com |
Robert |
Queensland, Australia |
jaegoldcoast@iprimus.com.au |
Robert & Tonya |
Clinton, Iowa |
tonyariggs@msn.com |
Robin |
robin.birkett@sympatico.ca |
Robin, Judith, Paul & Natalie |
Nottingham, England exNewcastle-upon-Tyne |
robin7@supanet.com |
Roger, Julie, Holly & Jack |
Heysham, Lancashire |
birkett@globalinternet.co.uk |
Roger |
Doncaster, South Yorkshire |
roger.birkett@s-n.com |
Roger, Joy, Laura and Liana |
Poole, Dorset |
lbirkett6@aol.com |
Ron |
Carlisle, Cumbria |
ronbirkett1@hotmail.com |
Ron, Chris, Kyle, Lisa |
Vancouver, BC, Canada |
chris_031_@hotmail.com |
Russell John |
Salisbury (born Scunthorpe) |
russ@websgalore.fsbusiness.co.uk |
Sally Elliot (née Birkett) |
Florida |
selliot@isleuth.com |
Samantha |
Calgary, Alberta, Canada |
sambirkett@shaw.ca |
Samantha |
Southampton |
stinkyansam@cwctv.net |
Samuel D |
Condobolin, New South Wales, Australia |
samuel.birkett@hotmail.com |
Samuel |
Australia |
tripound@gmail.com |
Sandra (Sandy) Bullock neé Birkett |
Southgate, Michigan |
sbullock4085@wowway.com |
Sandra Blight née Birkett |
Prince George, Canada |
Sarah |
Cincinnati, Ohio |
Sarah |
Queensland, Australia |
sasar@optusnet.com.au |
Sarah |
Burton-upon-Trent |
s.bir07@repton.org.uk |
Sarah & Christian |
Scottsdale, Arizona |
butterflysmile@qwest.net |
Shaun |
San Jose, California |
shaun.birkett@moonblink.com |
Sheena Vanessa Hinschen née Birkett |
Gayndah, Queensland, Australia |
Simon, Joanna, Lizzie, James & Philip |
Oxford |
hotdragon_300@hotmail.com, philip.birkett@abingdon.org.uk |
Stella Banks (née Birkett) |
East Grinstead |
Steven & Lisa, Laura, Adam |
Scunthorpe, England |
mail@stevebirkett.co.uk, mail@lisabirkett.co.uk, mail@laurabirkett.co.uk, mail@adambirkett.co.uk |
Stephen & Jennifer |
Brussels, Belgium |
stephan.vangulck-birkett@chello.be |
Stuart, Lesley, Megan & Jake |
Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland, UK |
birkett.family@virgin.net |
Philip, Samuel |
Oxfordshire, England |
Phil.Birkett@ukgateway.net |
Stan |
Sheffield |
StanBirkett@hillvalley.swinternet.co.uk |
Steve, Jane, Alan, Brenda, Jane, Stuart, Louise |
High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire |
janeandsteve1@msn.com |
Stuart, Murray & Brian |
Calgary, Alberta, Canada |
Susan |
Egypt (born Accrington, England) |
susanflorence161@msn.com |
Tara |
Sydney, Australia ex Portsmouth, UK |
tara@cstone.com.au |
Tara Antoinett Birkett-Bramble |
bramble140@aol.com |
Terryl Suzanne Carr (née Birkett) |
Joliet, Illinois |
tcarr74@attbi.com |
Tim & Heather |
Broadstone, Dorset, England |
tim@birkettco.com |
Tim & Leigh |
Sydney, Australia ex Portsmouth, UK |
Tim & Lisa |
Demotte, Indiana, USA |
tlbirkett@netnitco.net |
Timothy |
Englefield Green, Surrey |
andrew.bate2@ntlworld.com |
Toby |
Lismore, Australia |
Toby David |
Ballarat, Victoria, Australia |
knall.00@gmail.com |
Tony (Anthony) |
Liversedge, West Yorkshire |
tonybirkett@talktalk.net |
Victoria |
London |
Vincent, Jacqueline Lorraine, Richard Jefferson, Lisa Leanne |
Pelopponese, Greece ex Cumbria, Keighley & Scotland |
vince@birkett.orangehome.co.uk |
Will |
Sydney, Australia |
will@willbirkett.com |
William Bradley & Oda Katherine (Kay) |
Plymouth, Michigan |
wbirkett@doplganger.com, kbirkett@doplganger.com |
Barbara A |
Fairport, New York |
babppr@rit.edu |
William John Keith |
Gayndah, Queensland, Australia |
Zara & Stephen |
Wollongong, NSW, Australia |
Zarah_Birkett@pacificnational.com.au |